miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011


 Miraflores; coast, one of the richer parts of Lima. The two-year-old road circling the outskirts of Lima is visible- the road is full of holes. This is one of the many places in Lima where you can practice your courages driving skills.

 Football fields and playing grounds were built all across the playa- beach.
               The MOON
 The Peruvian elections took place at the beginning of June, making the police fill the streets.
 On our way to the Limian Parque del Agua, park filled with amazing fountains.
 There was a lot of Kung Fu advertisement in the area...

A 20 minute show took place, lasers shining colours and shapes on walls of water. Here two traditional Peruvian dancers are visible- man on the left,  lady on the right. 
 One of the only fountains which were open for the public to walk in. (I am visible)

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