Anyway, my point IS:
Please fix in your memory and change the "e" at the end of the first word to an "i". Maybe this will help...
In Peru, Hadar Zaslansky has helped in a community, in the middle of nowhere in the Anden mountains, called CHUMPI Poques.
I think Chumpi sounds a lot more Anden-like, Quechuan, than CHUMPE.
LAMAY- this is where we stand and wait for the car taking us up to Chumpi Poques. School just started again this week after a two-and-a-half-week holiday, marking the middle of the year. They only have that one holiday during the school year; their summer holidays is 2-3 months.
So after we came back from the holiday, the time of the school moved up 15 minutes- from 8 in the morning until one in the afternoon. Good thing for us, we only have t wait until 7:15 to take the car up, not all the way until 7:30.
On the first day back at school, I asked Liz,
why have the times changed?
A WEIRD reason- the cold.
The sun and does go up more and warms up more in 15 minutes, but not THAT much...
They have their reasons...
These are the kind of cars we go up and down in. They look really small here for some reason...
I have a record of how many grownups we were once in there- guess.
It was very uncomfortable- I can tell you that at least...
How did 13 grownups fit in there you ask?
5 in the very back, 4 sitting comfortably on the three-er place, me kvetching between their legs and the 2 seats in the front, two in the front and the driver.
BUT that is my record with only grownups. When I went with Antonia's family to the
¡jungle! Quillabamba :D Mandor- Pockomocko really...
(I made it :D :)!! The really very amazing- but that's a different story for a different time)
So there once we were
16 - SIXTEEN people. 10 grownups- including me- and 6 children.
For reason there I was really very comfortable- I sat in the very very back, on a sack of... potatoes? or bananas? something.
Back to Poques- I have been getting on best with the 4th graders. They have welcomed me and I play with a group of 5 or 6 boys football all the time. the girls are too scared...
I bought this pair of earrings, a man and a woman, made out of glue and thread. Whenever I wear them, everyone, grownups included, say
how cute!
But the children, go CRAZY. They start laughing loud, pointing, touching. They can't stop starring at them. The fourth-graders joke it's my parents. They say- your parents are hungry!
I have the same kind of people but on a pin on my jacket. They found it today. They head of the man fell with his green hat. They said- your father is headless!
Here you see one of the boys- Willy holding "my parents" up. He may be the smartest one in the class.
Poques- Chumpi does not have a sign because it is so small...
The school. The primary- 1st- in blue building to the left on the left. 2nd, next to the 1st. 3rd- the big blue building, bottom floor to the left. 4th grade next to that. 5th and 6th are both in the building here kind of hidden away- to the right of the picture, on the platform. The secondary 7th, 8th and 9th are on the second and third floor. The computer room is on the third floor to the right.
The yellow building is the toilet. STINKY.
The library is to the very very back. They complain how the do not have enough books, but the books they have in the library are never used.
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